يستخدم خط إنتاج رقائق الموز الأوتوماتيكية الكاملة لصنع رقائق الموز خلال عملية القلي. يمكنها معالجة الموز وتعبئته في رقائق موز مقرمشة ومقرمشة. يشتمل خط إنتاج شيبس الموز عادةً على عدة مراحل ، مثل التقشير ، والتقطيع إلى شرائح ، والتبييض ، والقلي ، وإزالة الزيوت ، والتوابل ، والتعبئة والتغليف. فيما يلي مقدمة موجزة عن كل مرحلة:
تقشير الموز: المرحلة الأولى هي إزالة قشرة الموز. يمكن القيام بذلك يدويًا أو باستخدام آلة تقشير الموز.
تقطيع الموز: بمجرد تقشير الموز ، يتم تقطيعه إلى شرائح بسماكة موحدة باستخدام آلة تقطيع الموز. يمكننا استخدام أنواع مختلفة من آلات تقطيع رقائق الموز لأشكال مختلفة من تقطيع رقائق الموز.
سلق رقائق الموز: يتم بعد ذلك سلق شرائح الموز في الماء الساخن لفترة قصيرة لإزالة النشا الزائد وتحسين قوامها.
آلة إزالة الماء أو آلة التجفيف: يتم بعد ذلك تجفيف شرائح رقائق الموز المقشرة باستخدام آلة تجفيف ، والتي تزيل أي ماء زائد على سطح شريحة شرائح الموز.
قلاية رقائق الموز: تُقلى شرائح الموز المقشورة بالزيت الساخن حتى تصبح مقرمشة وبنية ذهبية. تتكون آلة القلي عادةً من حزام ناقل يحرك الشرائح عبر الزيت الساخن ، مما يضمن طهي كل شريحة بالتساوي.
إزالة الزيوت من رقائق الموز: بعد القلي ، يتم إزالة الزيت الزائد من رقائق الموز باستخدام آلة إزالة الزيت ، والتي تزيل أي فائض من الزيت.
توابل رقائق الموز: يتم بعد ذلك تتبيل رقائق الموز باستخدام آلة توابل ، والتي تغلف الرقائق بالتساوي بالتوابل والنكهات المختلفة ، اعتمادًا على المذاق المرغوب.
تغليف رقائق الموز: الخطوة الأخيرة في خط الإنتاج هي تغليف رقائق الموز باستخدام آلة التعبئة والتغليف. عادة ما يتم تعبئة الرقائق في أكياس أو حاويات بلاستيكية ومختومة للحفاظ على نضارتها.
يعتمد خط إنتاج روميتر الأوتوماتيكي لرقائق الموز على أحدث تقنيات صنع رقائق الموز. رقائق الموز هي أطعمة خفيفة مقرمشة تشبه رقائق البطاطس. يمكن أن توفر Romiter خطوط إنتاج شيبس الموز ذات السعات المختلفة وفقًا لمتطلبات العملاء.
Table of Contents
Equipment List of Automatic Frying Banana Chips Production Line
No. | Name | Power | Dimension |
1 | Banana slicing machine | 0.75kw/380v/50Hz | 540*820*1060mm |
2 | Chips hoister | 0.75kw/380v/50Hz | 1700*1000*800mm |
3 | Chips rinsing line | 1.87kw/380v/50Hz | 3000*1030*1350mm |
4 | Banana chips blanching machine | 54.55kw/380v/50Hz | 4500*1130*1400mm |
5 | Cold air dewatering machine | 6.75kw/380v/50Hz | 4000*950*1880mm |
6 | Electric chips frying line | Heating power:120kw/380v/50Hz Auxiliary power:7kw/380v/50Hz | 6200*2000*2000mm |
7 | Banana chips de-oiling machine | 18.75kw/380v/50Hz | 4000*1000*2250mm |
8 | Banana chips seasoning machine | 1.1kw/380v/50Hz | 2800*900*2300mm |
9 | Picking line | 0.55kw/380v/50Hz | 3700*800*1130mm |
10 | Packing machine | 6kw/380v/50Hz | / |
Feature of Automatic Frying Banana Chips Making Machine
- Every machine is made of high-quality stainless steel, up to health standard, easy to clean.
- The frying machine keeps the frying oil clean, thus reducing oil consumption and improves banana chips quality.
- High working efficiency, save labor and energy.
- Equipped with an advanced and efficient heating system, avoiding energy waste.
- Superior quality and competitive price.
- Suitable for large scale banana chips production.
Several Different Types of Banana Chips
- Banana figs -These are bananas which are cut into slices and then dried either in the sun or by artificial means.
- Savory banana chips – They are drained in order to remove the excess oil, and subsequently flavored with a variety of spices. And you can choose our banana chips processing line to make it!
- Sweet banana chips -These are bananas slices that have either been soaked or dipped in a strong sugar syrup or honey.
FAQ for Frying Banana Chips Production Line
What are the main components of a frying banana chips production line?
What are the main components of a frying banana chips production line? The main components of a frying banana chips production line include a banana slicer, banana washing machine, banana frying machine, seasoning machine, and packaging machine.
What types of bananas are suitable for frying banana chips?
Cavendish bananas are the most common type of bananas used for frying banana chips. However, other varieties of bananas with a firm texture and low water content can also be used.
What are the common types of seasoning used for banana chips?
The common types of seasoning used for banana chips include salt, sugar, chili, garlic, onion, and other spices. The seasoning can be customized based on the desired flavor profile. The seasoning is done using a seasoning machine, which evenly coats the banana chips with various seasonings, such as salt, sugar, or spices.
What are the common types of packaging used for banana chips?
The common types of packaging used for banana chips include plastic bags, foil bags, and plastic containers. The packaging can be customized based on the size and quantity of the banana chips. The packaging process is done using a packaging machine, which packages the banana chips into bags or containers of various sizes. The packaging machine can also be used to seal the bags or containers to ensure freshness.
Can the frying banana chips production line be used to produce other types of chips?
Yes, the frying banana chips production line can be modified or adapted to produce other types of chips, such as potato chips, sweet potato chips, or cassava chips.
What is the shelf life of banana chips produced by the production line?
The shelf life of banana chips produced by the production line can vary depending on the packaging and storage conditions. Typically, banana chips can have a shelf life of several months if they are stored in a cool and dry place.
How much space is needed for a frying banana chips production line?
The space needed for a frying banana chips production line can vary depending on the size and capacity of the machines. Generally, a production line can require a space of at least 100 square meters.
How to make high quality frying banana chips?
The quality of the banana chips can be ensured by using high-quality raw materials, maintaining proper hygiene and sanitation in the production process, and conducting regular quality control checks on the finished products. This includes monitoring the size, texture, and flavor of the banana chips. The common causes of defects in banana chips produced by the production line can include inconsistent frying temperature and time, improper seasoning, and uneven slicing of the bananas. The common challenges in the frying banana chips production process include maintaining consistent frying temperature and time, preventing oil degradation and contamination, and ensuring that the seasoning is evenly distributed.
What are the nutritional benefits of banana chips?
Banana chips can be a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamin C. However, they are also high in calories and fat, so should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.
What are the market trends for frying banana chips?
The market trends for frying banana chips are shifting towards healthier and natural ingredients, such as using less salt and sugar, and using organic or non-GMO ingredients. The trend is also towards using sustainable and eco-friendly packaging materials.
What are the maintenance requirements for the frying banana chips production line?
The maintenance requirements for the frying banana chips production line include regular cleaning of the machines, checking and replacing the machine parts when necessary, and ensuring that the machines are properly lubricated.
Working Video of Full Automatic Banana Chips Production Line
Banana Peeling Machine Video
Company Profile
Romiter Machinery Co., Ltd. is a market leading designer and a manufacturer of Banana Processing Machine with 10 years’ experience. In the past 10 years, we focused on researching and designing the machinery which could process the banana into different types. Romiter Banana Processing Machine meet Europe Quality Requirement. with CE Certification
Romiter Group provides a complete Banana Processing Solution, which includes Unripe Green Banana Peeling Machine, Ripe Banan Peeling Machine, Banana Longitudinal Slicer Machine, Banana Chips Slicing Machine, Fring Banana Chips Production Line, Banana Powder Production Line and Banana Packing Machine
Romiter Group can provide customized products for customers. Welcome to contact with us for more information.
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